Your Child’s Focus And Confidence Will Skyrocket In Fun Filled Martial Arts Classes


Martial Arts is not just about kicking and punching.

Your child will learn to stay safe,be stronger mentally and physically, inside & out.

-Every parent wants their child to have skills to get them through life.
-Particularly for the moments we are not around.
-Parents hope their kids keep focused at school.
-Carry themselves with confidence to tackle life’s challenges.
-Building confidence & self esteem are important for a child to grow up happy & secure… and for parents peace of mind.

Dion Panossian

Director / Instructor
Dion Panossian

Our programs

Kids Karate 3 – 4 years

School Readiness Program

Kids Karate Perth
Mini Samurai Program
Age-specific classes for 3 – 4 years

Kids Karate 5 – 6 years

Kids Martial Arts Perth 5 - 6years

Kid Martial Arts Perth
Little Samurai Program
Age Specific classes for 7 – 12 years

Teen Martial Arts

Teen Martial Arts 13 - 14 yrs

Martial arts has become especially popular among teenagers as it provides many health and wellness benefits while building character. This is essential in a child’s teenage years as this is the time when they develop fully into adulthood.

Parents feel frustrated because their child:

  • Lacks Focus or ability to follow instructions well.
  • Is shy, has low Self Esteem and clings to their parents, particularly when trying new things.
  • Hates team sports and would rather not play sport at all.
  • Has been the victim of Bullying and has lost complete Self Confidence & Self Esteem.

Before starting Martial Arts, most parents felt that their child:

  • Found it difficult to focus on tasks and finish them.
  • Were not able to stay focused for extended periods of time.
  • Was coming home from school upset due to some form of bullying.
  • This made the parent feel helpless and unsure on how to handle the situation.
  • Their Child’s Self Esteem and Confidence was quite low.
  • This was a real concern for parents particularly when the child was at school.

Parents are amazed that after a few weeks in Martial Arts their child is:

  • More Confident at school.
  • Stays Focused in class and home.
  • Has Improved Coordination.
  • Has learnt some Bully Prevention strategies just in case the need arises.

We have put together this amazing offer. So every child has the opportunity to try Martial Arts with “no strings attached”

What clients say